Facebook Responses
What hate looks like..
"You realize you’re a racist hate group that bases their ideologies off of false information, right? Educate yourselves, read a book, learn how to write a coherent sentence at the very least. You’re embarrassing yourselves and the town."
"As a 21-year resident of Redding, I believe NABR, who sent out the postcard mailing about the superintendant's private Facebook post, is a front group for extremist positions. They bill themselves as a "non-partisan action group for a better Redding", but they propagated a national Republican campaign about CRT, which nobody had heard about before. (I only learned later online that this was a national Republican campaign--it came out of left-field). That's not non-partisan--it's definitiionally partisan. The propaganda about CRT is complete BS, as it is just a means to inflame conservative voters--no schools are teaching CRT. But it is a useful means to raise the temperature politically and divide the citizenry, even though there is no useful definition of CRT. Beware of NABR--they are tools in a wider political effort to divide our citizens, despite their claims of being non-partisan. I'd like to know who the members of NABR are, their real political connections and where their funding comes from? That 4-color post card we all got in April cost a lot of money for a "non-profit"."
"this is an unjustified, full of mistruths, direct attack on many town residents and their children. It is disgusting but that doesn't mean it's not also upsetting and frightening. The first "postcard" I read and discarded but this goes way beyond nuisance calls. They are bothersome, disturb your dinner hour, clog your voicemail, etc. This is a racist attack on our humanity and the truth and I won't dismiss it, and I hope you'll reconsider as well. They are attempting to bully and/or shame our fellow townspeople who serve on the boards of education. They do not have the town's or our children's best interest at all in mind, they have an agenda they are pushing which is a lie."
"I used mine to line the kitty litter pan...again. this is deadly serious. This kind of dangerous rhetoric fuels hate and division and violence. Groups like this have nothing to offer people to help them improve their lives and power is their goal, fear is their only weapon. let's not give it to them. This group has been around for 20+ years in one form or another. Their primary goal at inception was to defund public schools. The vast majority of Redding residents, dems, repubs, and unaffiliated, have rejected this kind of messaging over and over again. This time will be no different. Redding values our schools, our community, and will reject the divisive and partisan forces that seek to divide us. I know. They've sunk to new lows. I don't think their efforts to defund public education will be successful now anymore than in the past. What I am most concerned for is the personal wellbeing of our school board members and school administrators who are now targets of this hateful rhetoric. This kind of rhetoric fuels hate and division and violence. Groups like this have nothing to offer people to help them improve their lives and power is their goal, fear is their only weapon. let's not give it to them."
"Perhaps redeposit in/next to the mailboxes of one who are printing and sending? They obviously find value in their ridiculously hateful stance. But…. Exactly who are these hiding trolls?"
"So the entire booklet that was posted by Chirag Sadana If you don’t think that is hate speech you need to have your head examined. It’s Nazi propaganda. Thank you Chirag for posting that."
"How do we thank them & contribute to their efforts. We need to bury NABR."
"this is an unjustified, full of mistruths, direct attack on many town residents and their children. It is disgusting but that doesn't mean it's not also upsetting and frightening. The first "postcard" I read and discarded but this goes way beyond nuisance calls. They are bothersome, disturb your dinner hour, clog your voicemail, etc. This is a racist attack on our humanity and the truth and I won't dismiss it, and I hope you'll reconsider as well. They are attempting to bully and/or shame our fellow townspeople who serve on the boards of education. They do not have the town's or our children's best interest at all in mind, they have an agenda they are pushing which is a lie."