Ron DeSantis’ drive to remake Florida’s education system faces its latest test on Tuesday, with the governor and his GOP allies squaring off against Democrats and the state’s largest teachers union in school board elections across the state.
Over the past several years, the left has aggressively infected the minds of the youngest children with the tenets of critical race theory (CRT) and gender ideology, while academic excellence has been shoved to the back of the bus. As a result, public schools are hemorrhaging students.
The most important election this year is your school board. Every single voter needs to vote in this local election. Here is why electing a responsive school board is critically important to you and your community:
The Region 9 school district is reviewing its financial transactions after it was made aware of a contract for a new boiler at the high school that was signed this past June without the knowledge of board members, according to a statement.
An empirical study by the Heritage Foundation that analyzed data in 554 districts teaching 22.5 million students found that, now that chief diversity officers (CDOs) have been hired by virtually every college campus, 79 percent of the largest K-12 districts have hired such officers as well, and even rural districts are taking them on at a fast clip. Okay, so how is that working out? Districts with CDOs have greater achievement gaps between rich and poor, between white and black, and between white and Latino students.

Click below to see the whole article on The Redding Community Gazette about First Selectman Candidate Pemberton.

"Misinformation about critical race theory is 'dividing us,' CT selectman says."
The headline's reference to "misinformation" itself is misleading. We need to look more closely at the actual "misinformation" surrounding this episode.
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The growing numbers of American parents going up against woke educators and their school board allies are performing an important -- indeed, historic -- service to their country.

The letter just published on Social Media and in the Easton, Weston and Redding Patch signed by over 40 Residents commenting on the resignation of Dr. Rydell Harrison.

Virginia PTA Leader Ousted After Apparently Wishing Death on Anti-Critical Race Theory Parents.
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Because Connecticut could not responsibly handle its own obligations for unemployment benefits or even a loan from the federal government, the employers of the state are paying extra tax (the highest in the nation) to bail out the state.
It’s easy to see why politicians from both parties would want to avoid the kind of financial black eye that would make it harder to borrow money in the future. Yet, from a national perspective, if you had to let one state go as a warning to the other 49 to finally get their own financial houses in order, Connecticut would be the ideal choice.
Among its other recommendations, the 17 residents recommended replacing some public school teachers with low-cost college interns, restricting the use of school vehicles, and increasing employee contributions to benefit plans.
Under the plan students can count the first year of community college as the senior year of high school or graduate high school early and go on to college.
We calculated how much the taxpayers of Illinois, New Jersey, Kentucky, California, or Connecticut might benefit if some public school families were given school choice.
Perhaps the best indicator of how the experimental irreproducibility crisis threatens secular progressivism is how lopsided the political response to solving it has been.

Only by injecting more independent – dare I say even spiritual – thinking into our ossified educational system can we generate needed, if unpredictable, changes for all.

To appreciate just how emotionally damaging these methods can be, it is worth thinking back to a time — not that long ago — when every education graduate school impressed its teachers-in-training with the importance of building a youngster’s self-esteem.

Looking at the situation nationally, two researchers for the politically moderate Brookings Institution, William Gale and Aaron Krupkin, have estimated that an average 5.7 percent across-the-board service reduction is required just to ensure that state and local pension liabilities do not rise any further.
A credible explanation for the behavior of woke activists is needed to successfully combat them.